Quality Assurance
Puneet Steels is committed to producing quality products, providing total customer satisfaction and continually improving the effectiveness of the quality management system ISO 9001:2015 to provide our customers with world-class quality, superior customer service, and utmost customer confidence.
Code of Conduct
- Ethical Conduct -
All Board members and Senior Management personnel of the Company shall deal behalf of the Company with professionalism, honesty and integrity, as well as high moral and ethical standards. Such conduct shall be fair and transparent and be perceived to be as such by third parties - Regulatory Compliance -
All Board members and senior Management personnel shall, in his or her business conduct comply with all applicable laws and regulations, both in letter and in spirit, in all the territories in which he or she operates. If the ethical and professional standards set out in the applicable laws and regulations are below that of the code, then the standards of the Code shall prevail. - Assets Compliance -
The assets of the company shall not be misused but shall be employed for the purpose of conducting the business for which they are duly authorised. These include tangible assets such as equipment and machinery, systems, facilities, materials and resources as well as intangible assets such as proprietary information, relationships with customers and suppliers, etc.